I tried to do a cute heart in Traylor's hair for school today but I didn't give myself time. She still loved it though. I think she looks cute.
Traylor with one of her best friends, Jasmin.
Traylor's heart. It almost fell off the wall it was so full.
All the green team looking at their Valentines.
What a haul!! (the thing is I think all that candy is still in there to this day. She is not a sweets person. But give her anything chocolate and she eats it up)!!!
Traylor with her teacher Mrs. McComish

Traylor with her teacher Mrs. Nogales

She had a great day. I went afterwork for the party. I thought there would be other parents there to help but I was the lone parent. And they were happy to have me there. I helped where I could. It was kind of fun watching old Alvin and the Chipmunks Valentines Movies.
Robert had been gone all this week to Alabama for work. He didn't get home until late friday night. It was nice to have him home again.
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