Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It does snow in Arizona.....

We woke up to beautiful snow!!!!

After. It was so pretty. But very cold.


But.... I am glad that it is mostly melted by now.

3 thoughts from friends:

Karies place said...

At least for you guys it melted the same day. For us we've had snow for 2 months. It' snow looking really dirty. We did have 55 degrees today so A LOT of the snow is gone. We've discovered something green underneath. lol

Mindy said...

Hey girl! NEVER too late... lucky for you, we got more snow, that means I don't want to venture out in the snow with my 3 kiddos :) e-mail me your address...

{leah} said...

It was nice to have the snow for the boys to play in it... I'm glad it's gone...

The sheperds pie looks great.