Sunday, February 8, 2009

shepards pie

So this is what I made for dinner last night. It was so yummy!!

Traylor thinks otherwise. Notice Robert and I are already done eating. Yes she is crying because she has to eat it all. Not just the potatoes. I have made this before and yet she still threw a fit ... Oh well she knows the drill......

She does this hold her nose, inject food thing often.

She almost threw it up and I said, (nice loving mom that I am), You throw it up and you eat it up. She didn't throw it up.

I think these will make for some great pictures one day when Traylors kids won't eat their dinner.

2 thoughts from friends:

Karies place said...

Oh so yummy!! I haven't made that stuff in a long time. Mostly because my kids won't eat it. Guess I will just have to make it anyway, and the kids can starve. Just kidding.

I love how she ends up eating it anyway. :)

Paparazzi Boutique said...

Oh man...I love shepherd's pie. Is it a generational thing? So cute. Thanks for sharing.